Revd Dawn Butcher |
Julian Pennant |
Vicar |
Licenced Lay Minister |
Email: revdawnbutcher@gmail.com
Tel: 07541 481715 |
Hello, I'm Dawn. I joined the benefice as Vicar of Christ Church, Warley and St Mary the Virgin, Great Warley in April 2024. I was ordained in 2021 and served my Curacy in Broomfield, Chelmsford. I'm married to Paul, and we have two teenage children. I am originally from Dagenham, but we spent many years living in Romford before moving to Broomfield.
Before ordination, my main career was in HR, and after the children arrived I worked as a Parish Administrator for our church in Dagenham and a short time as a PA for the Bishop of Bradwell covering maternity leave.
It is a joy to serve as Vicar in these parishes and I'm excited to see what God is doing and what God is calling us into next.
Hello, I'm Julian, I am a Licenced Lay Minister at Christ Church, which means that I help preach and lead services. I'm married to Rachel and we have 3 children with only our youngest still at home. I've been a science teacher for most of my career and am currently tutoring along with some gardening and garden design. I enjoy tennis, reading and walking in my spare time. |
Sylvia Partridge |
Olive Law |
Church Warden & PCC Secretary |
Church Warden & Authorised Local Preacher |
Hello, I'm Sylvia. I first attended Christ Church when I became a Leader with the Guides over 50 years ago. I attended a Parade Service once a month and was also involved with some Church activities and events. Over time, I gradually attended more Services and Christ Church became my home church. I was invited to join the PCC and later became the PCC Secretary, a post I still hold.
Earlier this year I felt so strongly that going into the vacancy without Church Wardens would give the wrong message to both the Diocese and any possible new Vicar, that I volunteered for the role. This is not a position I would ever have thought of having but so far it hasn't proved too daunting! |
Hello! I have been an Authorised Local Preacher at Christ Church for some years. I particularly enjoy leading worship, when the whole church family are together. I am an Associate Worker with the Brentwood Schools Christian Worker Trust and love working in schools and welcoming school visits to Christ Church. I have only recently become Church Warden. When I'm not at church, I tutor maths. I enjoy growing things I can eat and love being a grandma. |
Brendon Horrocks |
Louise Kearns |
Parish Safeguarding Officer |
Pastoral Assistant |
Hello, I'm Brendon. I am the Parish Safeguarding Officer and I ensure the activities we offer at Christ Church meet the requirements of the Chelmsford Diocese and the Church of England with regards to safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults. I am also a member of Christ Church PCC and support the Church Wardens in the running of services and help to maintain our church building and grounds. |
Hello, I am Louise and I have been part of the Christ Church family for more than 27 years and have served in a variety of roles over that time. After completing training with the Diocese of Chelmsford, I am now the Church's Authorised Pastoral Assistant. If you know of anyone who would appreciate pastoral care or support (such as a visit, telephone call, email or personal prayer support) do please contact me via the Contact Us details on the website or using admin@christchurchwarley.org |
John Kettlewell
Treasurer & Authorised Local Preacher |
Mark Townsend
Buildings Group Leader & Deputy Church Warden |
Hello. I am John. I have worshipped here since 2011. I am a retired accountant and so when a few years ago the post of Church Treasurer became vacant, I took on the role. I have responsibility for all aspects of church finance. I have also felt called to a preaching ministry and so am an Authorised Local Preacher. My other interests include Board Membership of a Registered Provider of Social Housing in the East End; I chair their Finance and Audit Committee. I have an allotment, and like to walk and cycle when time permits. |
Hi, I'm Mark and I am a Deputy Church warden here at Christ Church. My role is to support and assist the Churchwarden(s) and Vicar with the smooth running of services and mission events as well as helping to maintain our beautiful church buildings and grounds. I am a member of the Parochial Church Council (PCC) and also chair the Building's Group sub-committee. I have been worshipping here since 2009 and was Churchwarden from 2012-2018. In my spare time I enjoy cycling, golf, music and cooking. |
Gemma Butfield |
Administrator |
Hello, I'm Gemma and I'm the Administrator for Christ Church. My role is to update our website, respond to admin emails, enquiries for centre bookings, organise rotas, prepare baptism, banns & marriage paperwork and to assist the Vicar, Wardens and other staff members in the day to day running of the church. I have a young family and I enjoy gardening in my spare time. |