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Toddler Group 


Our Baby and Toddler Group is held in the church centre on Friday mornings in term time from 10-11.30am. A warm welcome to local parents, grandparents, and carers!

Run by church volunteers, the group exists to form and build friendships and support, to provide a place for babies and toddlers to play, learn and interact, and to give an insight into the Christian faith.

The morning starts with free play with our wide range of toys. This is followed by healthy snacks and drinks for all, then songs, rhymes and a bible story followed by a craft or activity (which is sometimes held in the garden or church.) We end with tidying up and bubbles!

A £2 (card only) donation on the day will help us to cover costs.

You will receive a warm welcome and we look forward to seeing you. Feel free to get in touch by emailing: 

Please note that our Toddler Group is not currently running. We do however run a pop-up café each Thursday between 9am - 1pm, where all ages are very welcome. 



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